Friday, June 6, 2014

Lieutenant-Colonel John Laurens to Major-General George Washington, May 19, 1782

Bacon's Bridge, South Carolina, 19 May, 1782.

My Dear General,

I am much obliged to you for honoring my bill in favor of General Lincoln. It includes the whole sum expended, on your account, in France. The plan, which brought me to this country, was urged with all the zeal which the subject inspired, both in our Privy Council and Assembly; but the single voice of reason was drowned by the howlings of a triple-headed monster, in which prejudice, avarice, and pusillanimity were united. It was some degree of consolation to me, however, to perceive that truth and philosophy had gained some ground; the suffrages in favor of the measure being twice as numerous as on a former occasion. Some hopes have been lately given me from Georgia; but I fear, when the question is put, we shall be outvoted there with as much disparity as we have been in this country.*

The reports of the prompt evacuation of Charleston I always thought groundless, and should have much sooner inferred the probability of such an event from the language of the debates in the British Parliament than from the conduct and arrangements of General Leslie. The late disaster of the Count de Grasse, in the West Indies, makes me more incredulous on the subject than ever. General Leslie confines himself to the most circumspect defensive conduct, which he is not likely to change, as he recently detached the nineteenth and thirtieth regiments to Jamaica. This renders the campaign perfectly inactive here, and, above all, insipid to the light troops, which I at present command.

I presume your Excellency has not yet determined your plan for the ensuing campaign, and that it must depend on the cooperation of our allies. I earnestly desire to be where any active plans are likely to be executed, and to be near your Excellency on all occasions in which my services can be acceptable. The pursuit of an object which, I confess, is a favorite one with me, because I always regarded the interests of this country and those of the Union as intimately connected with it, has detached me more than once from your family; but those sentiments of veneration and attachment with which your Excellency has inspired me, keep me always near you, with the sincerest and most zealous wishes for a continuance of your happiness and glory. Give me leave to say that I am ever, my dear General,

Your Excellency's faithful Aid,
John Laurens.

* The plan here alluded to was that of raising a regiment of negroes. Washington's Writings, Vol. VIII. p. 323.

SOURCE: Jared Sparks, Correspondence of the American Revolution, Volume 3, p. 505-7

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