Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Thomas Jefferson to William Livingston, January 1783

Philadelphia, January, 1783.
Dear Sir,

It gives me real concern that I have been here several days, and so closely engaged that I have not been able to pay you the respect of a letter, and to assure you that I hold among my most estimable acquaintances, that which I had the pleasure of contracting with you at this place. I am the more concerned, as expecting to leave this place on Tuesday next, I might have been gratified by the carrying letters from you to Mr. and Mrs. Jay. Perhaps it may not yet be too late. * *

I beg you to accept my sincere wishes for your happiness, and believe me very really,

Dear sir, your most obedient,

And most humble friend and servant,
Th. Jefferson.

SOURCE: Theodore Sedgwick, A Memoir of the Life of William Livingston, p. 373

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